Model Ship Builders know all too well the job of creating scale treenails, or 'trunnels', to hold
their models together, especially hull planking and decking. Typically, wood (often bamboo) is pulled
through successively smaller holes in a steel plate until the scale diameter is achieved.
The Drawplate was actually invented by the Ancient Romans, and is one of the very few hand tools to be in
continuous use for a span of years measured in centuries ... "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!"
The Byrnes Drawplate is designed to do the job - well, and easily. Thirty precision holes cover the
range from .016" through .059" - at 1:48 (1/4" scale) that represents full-size trunnels of 3/4" diameter
through almost 2" in diameter!
Order Byrnes Drawplate  |