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Model Ships and more - see the woodworking projects our customers have built with our machines ...! View Customer Projects

I'm often amazed when I see photos of a model or dollhouse or some other project that one of you has built using one of my machines ... some of the workmanship is astounding ...! And as a modeler myself, I have an understanding of the abilities that each of you brings to your project. So browse around and see what your fellow modelers are up to ... and send me photos of your project!

Parquet Guitar by David Bernroth
Parquet Guitar

by David Bernroth

USS Constitution by Michael Draper
USS Constitution

by Michael Draper

Blackburn Beverly by Perry Fernau
Blackburn Beverly

by Perry Fernau

Mars Rover by Robert Beatty
Mars Rover

by Robert Beatty

Big Ben by Pat Bergman
Big Ben

by Pat Bergman

Bowtop Wagon by S P Stuart
Bowtop Wagon

by S P Stuart

HMS Fly 1:48 model sloop of 1776 by Bill Maxwell
HMS Fly 1:48 model sloop of 1776

by Bill Maxwell

Carabela "La NIña"

by Jorge Yahuaca

Vasa by Clayton Johnson

by Clayton Johnson

Days Gone Bye by Pio Santilli
Days Gone Bye

by Pio Santilli

Le Curieux by Richard Simon
Le Curieux

by Richard Simon

Resolution of 1772-3 by David Antscherl
Resolution of 1772-3

by David Antscherl


Jim Byrnes
site design iNet//Web Solutions